Catholic Formation in Middle School (6-8th grade) has 4 components
Mass attendance, Formation, Retreat and Service. Through these we hope to cultivate the opportunity for each student to encounter a personal relationship with our Lord, commit to that relationship with Him and live as His disciple.
1. Mass Attendance
Regular Sunday Mass attendance is expected of our Teens and families.
Lumen Christi Mass Times: Saturday: 4:30 | Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
St. Francis Borgia Mass Times (Cedarburg): Saturday: 4:30 | Sunday. 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 6:00 PM
St. Joseph Mass Times (Grafton): Saturday: 4:00 PM | Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM
Out of town? will help you find a local Catholic Mass!
2. Formation
Sundays | 6:00-7:30 PM (September - April) | Lumen Christi School
Middle School Formation will follow along Loyola Press Finding God Curriculum. Our goal in Middle School Formation is to guide students to grow in prayer, recognize God in their every day life, and in the relevance of their faith through learning scripture, church teachings and the seasons of the Church.
3. Retreats
Retreats are an incredible opportunity to encounter the Lord in ways we haven't yet and hear His voice a bit clearer. We ask that students choose to attend at least 1 of the retreat opportunities we are providing this year. Details and registrations will be provided throughout the year. The retreats are listed in the Formation calendar for you to plan.
4. Service
Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the prisoners, bury the dead, give alms to the poor…love one another as I have loved you (John 13:35)
We encounter Christ through the persons we encounter when we serve. This is why we challenge our students to go beyond volunteering and look at how they can SERVE. We ask that middle school students focus less on hours and more on opportunities to serve their neighbor keeping in mind the Corporal Works of Mercy. Middle School students should participate in 6-8 opportunities of service in the year, at least 2 of which serve with or for Lumen Christi Parish. Families are encouraged to serve together. Please reference the service form & weekly flocknote emails for more details.
Middle School Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group during the school year meets once a month on a Friday evening. All middle school students are welcomed at Youth Group so please feel free to bring friends!