The way of perfection is the spiritual journey into an eternal relationship with God. The relationship for which God created you. The relationship that gives meaning and purpose to your existence. Join us at our Way of Perfection gatherings as we learn about the journey and go deep into Church teachings – which have everything to do with this journey. We go deep but at a very simple level, stripping the teachings down even to stick figures. Newcomers are always welcome. Everyone just goes deeper in understanding from whatever level they are at. We will resume Wednesday, October 12, at 9:30 a.m., with weekly Zoom gatherings and monthly in-person/Zoom combination gatherings. You can join us whenever you are able and come and go as you need. And if you can’t join us, weekly videos of the discussion are available as well as in-depth email information on the discussion. To see what we discuss, go to the website: For more information, contact Marilyn Malcolm at [email protected]. We look forward to having you join us!