Fr. Matthew's Christmas Message: The Peace & Joy of Christ
The season of Christmas resounds with music, cheer and hope. The anticipation, the celebrations, and the decorations, they all share the joys and love in the air.
Often times I wonder why God chose to embrace humanity with his self-giving love in the incarnation during the cold month of December, when everything looks and feels cold and gloomy, dark and hopeless! At a time and season when humanity is at its lowest emotionally and spiritually, He lifts us up by lowering himself into our world and by becoming one with us – eternity entering into space and time to invite humanity, bound in space and time, into eternity. A moment when heaven becomes a reality within the reach of humanity, by the grace of the Father in the incarnate Son. Christmas therefore is a day to day reminder for all of us to live in peace, joy and love with each other and with God who IS with us.
As we celebrate Christmas, Emmanuel, God with us: may we be truly filled with the peace and joy of His love in our hearts – striving to be that one family sharing the love and light of Christ – in the manger.
May the message of the angels resound in our hearts, and may our lives sing the praises of God, who is on high.
“It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you…yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.” — Mother Teresa
Wishing each of you and your family a Blessed and Joyful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. May His blessings come down upon us and remain with us forever.