Today in the Second Reading we hear Paul tell the Philippians “And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. (Ph 1:9-11).
We are all sinners, even Paul. We need the help of our Triune God and the tools God has given to us. Seven great gifts that God has given us are the Sacraments. We are called to discern what is of value: first and foremost it is God. Through participating in the Sacraments we receive Jesus. At Mass we can receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. At Reconciliation we receive the peace and forgiveness of Jesus, and through the Anointing of the Sick we receive Jesus’ forgiveness and strength. These are all Sacraments that are offered regularly at Lumen Christi.
Receiving Jesus through the Sacraments is not only what the God and Church call us to do, but it also surrounds us with others who are seeking Jesus and who also want to be pure and blameless for the day of Christ. God does not want us to walk this journey alone. We are called to community and to help each other walk this journey of life.
As we prepare for Christmas, the Church designates the 2nd Sunday of Advent to Peace. We cannot truly have peace in the world until we have true peace in our hearts because our hearts rest in God. By attending Mass and other Sacraments at Lumen Christi we allow our hearts to be open to Christ.